Talks & Workshops
Writing and presenting talks and workshops is an incredibly rewarding aspect of doing Developer Relations work. I’ve been fortunate to speak audiences and developers at a variety of conferences, hackathons and sponsored events.
Decentralized Frontends with Skynet Homescreen
Recording from ETHDenver ‘22. Also given at EthGlobal’s ETHOnline Dev Tools Summit (2021) and HandyCon (2022).
A workshop-focused variation given at ETHGlobal’s UniCode (2021), Gitcoin’s Open DeFI DAO Hackathon (2021), and more.
Decentralized APIs on Skynet Kernel
Recording from ETHNewYork ‘22.
Additional Videos
This is a set of assorted livestreams, introductions to Skynet/Decentralization/Blockchain/Web3, and other Skynet workshops.
Some of these are templates used for talks I’ve given outside of the web3 ecosystem, including for Girl Develop It (2021) and freeCodeCampOK (2021).